Системні захворювання порожнини рота

ЗаRosalyn Sulyanto, DMD, MS, Boston Children's Hospital
Переглянуто/перевірено серп 2021

Clues suggesting systemic disease may be found in the mouth and adjacent structures (see Introduction to the Approach to the Dental Patient and table Oral Findings in Systemic Disorders). A dentist should consult a physician when a systemic disorder is suspected, when the patient is taking certain drugs (eg, warfarin, bisphosphonates), and when a patient’s ability to withstand general anesthesia or extensive oral surgery must be evaluated.

Patients with certain cardiac conditions may require antibiotic prophylaxis to help prevent bacterial endocarditis before undergoing certain dental procedures (see table Procedures Requiring Antimicrobial Endocarditis Prophylaxis in High-Risk Patients in the US and also see table Recommended Endocarditis Prophylaxis During Oral-Dental or Respiratory Tract Procedures).


Стоматологічна допомога пацієнтам із системними захворюваннями

Certain medical conditions (and their treatment) predispose patients to dental problems or affect dental care.