Ситуації, що вимагають контролю прохідності дихальних шляхів




Acute laryngeal edema

Cardiac arrest

Deep coma, when the tongue relaxes to occlude the glottis


Foreign body at the larynx (eg, “cafe coronary”)

Head or high spinal cord injuries


Respiratory arrest or apnea (eg, due to central nervous system disease, medication or illicit drugs, hypoxia)

Upper airway trauma


Pre-procedure in patients with respiratory or neurologic compromise or other conditions, such as

  • Bronchoscopy in patients with marginal respiratory status

  • Esophagogastroscopy in patients with upper gastrointestinal bleeding

  • Gastric lavage in patients with an oral drug overdose and altered consciousness

  • Radiologic procedures in patients with altered sensorium, particularly if sedation is required

To reduce the work of breathing in patients experiencing shock, reduced cardiac output, or myocardial stress

Need for ventilatory support (eg, in acute respiratory distress syndrome, smoke or toxic inhalation, respiratory burns, gastric aspiration, exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or asthma, diffuse infectious or other parenchymal lung problems, neuromuscular diseases, respiratory center depression, or extreme respiratory muscle fatigue)

Respiratory failure with contraindications to or failure of noninvasive ventilation