Гістологія слизової тонкої кишки при деяких порушеннях мальабсорбції


Histologic Characteristics


Fingerlike villi with a villous:crypt ratio of about 4:1

Columnar epithelial cells with numerous regular microvilli (brush border)

Mild round cell infiltration in the lamina propria

Celiac disease (untreated)

Virtual absence of villi and elongated crypts

Increased intraepithelial lymphocytes and round cells (especially plasma cells) in the lamina propria

Cuboidal epithelial cells with scanty, irregular microvilli

Intestinal lymphangiectasia

Dilation and ectasia of the intramucosal lymphatics

Tropical sprue

Range from minimal changes in villous height and moderate epithelial cell damage to virtual absence of villi and elongated crypts with lymphocyte infiltration in the lamina propria

Whipple disease

Lamina propria densely infiltrated with periodic acid-Schiff–positive macrophages

Villous structure possibly obliterated in severe lesions