Побічні ефекти анаболічних стероїдів

Clearly shown


Poorly shown


Abnormal lipid profile (decreased HDL, increased LDL)

Liver abnormalities: Peliosis hepatitis, adenoma

Mood disorders (with high doses)

Androgenic effects: Acne, baldness, virilization and hirsutism in females

Gonadal suppression (decreased sperm count, testicular atrophy)


Premature closure of epiphyses, tendon/ligament ruptures


Female pseudohermaphroditism

Hypertension and LVH

Worsening of prostatic hypertrophy or preexisting carcinoma

Hepatic carcinoma

Decreased glucose tolerance

Increased risk of sudden death in athletes

Significant mood disorder with low doses

Testicular/prostate cancer

Cognitive deficits

HDL = high-density lipoprotein; LDL = low-density lipoprotein; LVH = left ventricular hypertrophy.