Вибрані фізіологічні вікові зміни

Affected Organ or System

Physiologic Change

Clinical Manifestations

Body composition

Lean body mass

Muscle mass

Creatinine production

Skeletal mass

Total body water

Percentage adipose tissue (until age 60, then until death)

Changes in medication levels (usually )


Susceptibility to dehydration


DNA damage and DNA repair capacity

Oxidative capacity

Accelerated cell senescence


Lipofuscin accumulation

Cancer risk


Number of dopamine receptors

Alpha-adrenergic responses

Muscarinic parasympathetic responses

Tendency toward stiffer muscles, less flexibility, impaired balance, and loss of spontaneous movements (eg, muscle tone, arm swing)


Loss of high-frequency hearing

Ability to recognize speech

Endocrine system

Insulin resistance and glucose intolerance

↑ Incidence of diabetes

Menopause, estrogen and progesterone secretion

Testosterone secretion

Growth hormone secretion

Vitamin D absorption and activation

Incidence of thyroid abnormalities

Bone mineral loss

Secretion of ADH in response to osmolar stimuli

Vaginal dryness, dyspareunia

Muscle mass

Bone mass

Fracture risk

Changes in skin

Susceptibility to water intoxication


Lens flexibility

Time for pupillary reflexes (constriction, dilation)

Incidence of cataracts


Glare and difficulty adjusting to changes in lighting

Visual acuity

GI tract

Splanchnic blood flow

Transit time

Susceptibility to constipation and diarrhea


Intrinsic heart rate and maximal heart rate

Blunted baroreflex (less increase in heart rate in response to decrease in BP)

Diastolic relaxation

Atrioventricular conduction time

Atrial and ventricular ectopy

Susceptibility to syncope

Ejection fraction

Rates of atrial fibrillation

Rates of diastolic dysfunction and heart failure with reduced ejection fraction

Immune system

T-cell function

B-cell function

Susceptibility to infections and possibly cancer

Antibody response to immunization or infection but autoantibodies


Degeneration of cartilaginous tissues


Glycosylation and cross-linking of collagen

Loss of tissue elasticity

Tightening of joints

Susceptibility to osteoarthritis


Renal blood flow

Renal mass

Glomerular filtration

Renal tubular secretion and reabsorption

Ability to excrete a free-water load

Changes in medication levels with risk of adverse drug effects

Susceptibility to nocturia, if free water taken shortly before sleep


Hepatic mass

Hepatic blood flow

Activity of CYP450 enzyme system

Changes in medication levels



Mucosal thinning or capillary fragility

Taste and consequent appetite

Likelihood (slightly) of nosebleeds

Peripheral nervous system

Baroreflex responses

Beta-adrenergic responsiveness and number of receptors

Signal transduction

Muscarinic parasympathetic responses

Preserved alpha-adrenergic responses

Susceptibility to syncope

Response to beta-blockers

Exaggerated response to anticholinergic medications

Pulmonary system

Vital capacity

Lung elasticity (compliance)

Residual volume


V/Q mismatch

Likelihood of shortness of breath during vigorous exercise if people are normally sedentary or if exercise is done at high altitudes

Risk of death due to pneumonia

Risk of serious complications (eg, respiratory failure) for patients with a pulmonary disorder


Endothelin-dependent vasodilation

Peripheral resistance

Susceptibility to hypertension

= decreased; = increased; FEV1= forced expiratory volume in 1 sec; V/Q = ventilation/perfusion.

Adapted from the Institute of Medicine: Pharmacokinetics and Drug Interactions in the Elderly Workshop. Washington DC, National Academy Press, 1997, pp. 8–9.