Причини проблем, пов’язаних з ліками, які можна запобігти



Drug interactions

Use of a drug results in a drug-drug, drug-food, drug-supplement, or drug-disease interaction, leading to adverse effects or decreased efficacy.

Inadequate monitoring

A medical problem is being treated with the correct drug, but the patient is not adequately monitored for complications, effectiveness, or both.

Inappropriate drug selection

A medical problem that requires drug therapy is being treated with a less-than-optimal drug or with a drug that is generally ineffective for treating the medical problem.

Inappropriate treatment

A patient is taking a drug for no medically valid reason, or the treatment risks outweigh the potential benefits of the drug.

Lack of patient adherence

The correct drug for a medical problem is prescribed, but the patient is not taking it as directed.


A medical problem is being treated with too much of the correct drug.

Poor communication

Drugs are inappropriately dosed, duplicated, continued, or stopped when care is poorly transitioned between providers and/or facilities.


A medical problem is being treated with too little of the correct drug.

Untreated medical problem

A medical problem requires drug therapy, but no drug is being used to treat that problem.