Інші лізосомні розлади

Disease (OMIM Number)

Defective Proteins or Enzymes


Pycnodysostosis (265800*)

Cathepsin K

Onset: Early childhood

Urine metabolites: None

Clinical features: Short stature, frontal and occipital prominence, delayed closure of anterior fontanel, micrognathia, narrow palate, delayed eruption and persistence of deciduous teeth, hypodontia, aplasia or hypoplasia of clavicles, osteosclerosis, susceptibility to fracture, scoliosis, spondylolysis, brachydactyly, grooved nails

Treatment: Supportive care, growth hormone possibly helpful

Glutamyl ribose-5-phosphate storage disease (305920*)

ADP-ribose protein hydrolase

Onset: First year

Urine metabolites: Proteinuria

Clinical features: Coarse facies, hypotonia, muscle wasting and atrophy, loss of speech and vision, seizures, neurologic deterioration, optic atrophy, nephrosis, hypertension, renal failure, developmental disabilities

Treatment: Supportive care

Glycogen storage disease type 2 (Pompe disease; 232300*)

See table Glycogen Storage Diseases and Disorders of Gluconeogenesis

* For complete gene, molecular, and chromosomal location information, see the Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM) database.