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Sleeps much of the time

Sucks on a nipple or pacifier

Clears airway

Responds with crying to discomforts and intrusions

4 weeks

Brings hands toward eyes and mouth

Lifts head when lying on stomach and moves head from side to side

Eyes follow an object moved in an arc about 15 cm above face to the midline

Responds to a noise in some way (eg, startling, crying, quieting)

May turn toward familiar sounds and voices

Focuses on a face

6 weeks

Regards objects in the line of vision

Begins to smile when spoken to

More aware of surroundings and may look around more

Head lags when pulled to a sitting position

3 months

Holds head steady on sitting

Raises head 45° when lying on stomach

Opens and shuts hands

Pushes down when feet are placed on a flat surface

Swings at and reaches for dangling toys

Follows an object moved in an arc above face from one side to the other

Watches faces intently

Smiles at sound of caretaker’s voice

Vocalizes sounds

5–6 months

Holds head steady when upright

Sits with support

Rolls over

Reaches for objects

Recognizes people at a distance

Listens intently to human voices

Smiles spontaneously

Squeals in delight

Babbles to toys

7 months

Sits without support

Bears some weight on legs when held upright

Transfers objects from hand to hand

Holds own bottle

Looks for dropped object

Responds to own name

Responds to being told “no”

Combines vowels and consonants to babble

Moves body with excitement in anticipation of playing

Plays peekaboo

9 months

Sits well

Crawls or creeps on hands and knees

Pulls self up to standing position

Works to get a toy that is out of reach; objects if toy is taken away

Gets into a sitting position from stomach

Stands holding on to someone or something

Says "Mama" or "Dada" indiscriminately

12 months

Walks by holding furniture (“cruising”) or others' hands

May walk 1 or 2 steps without support

Stands for a few moments at a time

Says "Dada" and/or "Mama" to the appropriate people

Drinks from a cup

Claps hands and waves bye-bye

Speaks several words

18 months

Walks well

Can climb stairs holding on

Draws a vertical stroke

Makes a tower of 4 cubes

Turns several book pages at a time

Speaks about 10 words

Pulls toys on strings

Partially feeds self

2–2½ years

Runs well/with coordination

Climbs on furniture


Climbs up and down stairs without help

Handles a spoon well

Turns single book pages

Makes a tower of 7 cubes

Opens doors

Scribbles in a circular pattern

Puts on simple clothing

Makes 2- or 3-word sentences

Verbalizes toilet needs

3 years

Mature gait while walking

Rides a tricycle

Favors using one hand over the other

Copies a circle

Dresses well except for buttons and laces

Counts to 10 and uses plurals

Recognizes at least 3 colors

Questions constantly

Feeds self well

Can take care of toilet needs (in about half of children)

4 years

Alternates feet going up and down stairs

Throws a ball overhand

Hops on 1 foot

Copies a cross

Dresses self

Washes hands and face

5 years


Catches a bounced ball

Copies a triangle

Draws a person in 6 parts

Knows 4 colors

Dresses and undresses without help

6 years

Walks along a straight line from heel to toe

Writes name

* The sequence is fairly consistent, but the timing of milestones varies; times above represent median values.

Some data from Zubler JM, Wiggins LD, Macias MM, et al. Evidence-Informed Milestones for Developmental Surveillance Tools. Pediatrics. 2022;149(3):e2021052138. doi:10.1542/peds.2021-052138

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