Класифікація родимок


Clinical Characteristics


Junctional nevus

Light brown to nearly black

Usually flat but may be slightly elevated; 1–10 mm

Nests of melanocytes at the epidermodermal junction

Compound nevus

Light brown to dark brown

May be slightly or considerably elevated; 3–6 mm

Nests of melanocytes at the epidermodermal junction and within the dermis

Intradermal nevus

Flesh-colored; - may be smooth, hairy, or warty

Elevated; 3–6 mm

Melanocytes and nevus cells confined almost entirely to the dermis

Halo nevus

Any type of mole surrounded by a 2- to 6-mm ring of depigmented skin

Same as for other moles but with inflammation and loss of melanocytes in halo skin

Blue nevus

Bluish gray

Usually flat but may be slightly elevated; 2–4 mm

Deeply pigmented dendritic melanocytes and scattered melanophages in the dermis

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