Pulmonary Edema
Pulmonary Edema
Pulmonary Edema

    This upright chest x-ray demonstrates several of the characteristic features of acute pulmonary edema due to left ventricular failure, including cardiac dilatation, pulmonary congestion with interstitial edema, and vascular redistribution to the upper lobe vessels, as well as pleural effusions. LV = left ventricle.

Courtesy of Wada T: Basic and Advanced Visual Cardiology. Illustrated Case Report Multi-Media Approach. Philadelphia, Lea & Febiger, 1991; with permission.) By permission of the publisher. From O'Connor C, Tuman K. In Atlas of Anesthesia: Cardiothoracic Anesthesia. Edited by R Miller (series editor) and JG Reeves. Philadelphia, Current Medicine, 1999.