Лімфатичні мальформації

(Лімфангіома; капілярна варикозна лімфангіома; кістозна гігрома; кавернозна лімфангіома)

ЗаDenise M. Aaron, MD, Dartmouth Geisel School of Medicine
Переглянуто/перевірено вер 2023

Lymphatic vascular malformations are elevated lesions composed of dilated lymphatic vessels.

Most lymphatic malformations are present at birth or develop within the first 2 years.

Lesions are usually yellowish tan but occasionally reddish or purple if small blood vessels are intermingled. Puncture of the lesion yields a colorless or blood-tinged fluid.

Diagnosis of Lymphatic Malformations

  • Clinical evaluation

Diagnosis of lymphatic malformations is made clinically and by ultrasound or MRI, as the clinical differential diagnosis may be broad.

Treatment of Lymphatic Malformations

  • Usually unnecessary

Treatment of lymphatic malformations is usually not needed. Common treatments include sclerotherapy and excision. Recurrence is common.