Cardiovascular Risk Assessment (10-year, Revised Pooled Cohort Equations 2018)

Race American Indian or Alaska Native


Black or African American

Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

Sex Female

Total Cholesterol  
HDL Cholesterol  
Systolic Blood Pressure  
On Hypertension Med No

Diabetes No

Smoker No


10-year risk  
Decimal Precision  


Equations used
LogitFemale = -12.823110 + (0.106501 * Age) + (0.432440 * Race) + (0.000056 * SystolicBloodPressure2) + (0.017666 * SystolicBloodPressure) + (0.731678 * OnHypertensionMed) + (0.943970 * Diabetes) + (1.009790 * Smoker) + (0.151318 * (TotalCholesterol / HDLCholesterol)) + (-0.008580 * Age * Race) + (-0.003647 * SystolicBloodPressure * OnHypertensionMed) + (0.006208 * SystolicBloodPressure * Race) + (0.152968 * Race * OnHypertensionMed) + (-0.000153 * Age * SystolicBloodPressure) + (0.115232 * Race * Diabetes) + (-0.092231 * Race * Smoker) + (0.070498 * Race * (TotalCholesterol / HDLCholesterol)) + (-0.000173 * Race * SystolicBloodPressure * OnHypertensionMed) + (-0.000094 * Age * SystolicBloodPressure * Race)
10-year riskFemale = 100 / (1 + e(-LogitFemale))
LogitMale = -11.679980 + (0.064200 * Age) + (0.482835 * Race) + (-0.000061 * SystolicBloodPressure2) + (0.038950 * SystolicBloodPressure) + (2.055533 * OnHypertensionMed) + (0.842209 * Diabetes) + (0.895589 * Smoker) + (0.193307 * TotalCholesterol / HDLCholesterol) + (-0.014207 * SystolicBloodPressure * OnHypertensionMed) + (0.011609 * SystolicBloodPressure * Race) + (-0.119460 * OnHypertensionMed * Race) + (0.000025 * Age * SystolicBloodPressure) + (-0.077214 * Race * Diabetes) + (-0.226771 * Race * Smoker) + (-0.117749 * Race * TotalCholesterol / HDLCholesterol) + (0.004190 * Race * OnHypertensionMed * SystolicBloodPressure) + (-0.000199 * Race * Age * SystolicBloodPressure)
10-year riskMale = 100 / (1 + e(-LogitMale))
10-year risk = (Math.abs(Sex == 1) * 10-year riskFemale) + (Math.abs(Sex == 2) * 10-year riskMale)


  1. Yadlowsky S, Hayward RA, Sussman JB, et al. Implications of Revised Pooled Cohort Equations for Estimating Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease Risk. Ann Intern Med. 2018 Jul 3;169(1):20-29. PubMed ID: 29868850 PubMed Logo



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